Food and beer were flowing as a popular festival returned to Bridport over the weekend.

The annual Bridport Food Festival and the Bridport Round Table Beer Festival took place again at Askers Meadow.

There was some worry before the event that it might be cancelled due to the forecast of heavy rain and thunderstorms, but it went ahead and organisers say they are pleased with the turnout despite the poor weather.

(Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

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Around 70 beers and 50 ciders were on offer at the beer festival, with numerous stalls and food stands scattered throughout the festival - and live music to boot.

Anthony Lewington and his family sat and the grass to enjoy their food. He said: "It is really good. We came here last year and really enjoyed it - it's a kid-friendly event in a lovely location. There is something for everybody."

Anthony Lewington and his family (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Katie Smith attended with her daughter Isabella, who enjoyed playing at the stalls. She said: "I have been here since early this morning, and Isabella has had a lovely time playing.

"We tried wasabi cheese, I was expecting it to be hot, but it wasn't - it was nice."

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Katie Smith attended with her daughter Isabella (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Caroline Fraser from Weymouth joined friends and family at the event. She thinks there were fewer traders than usual, but had a good time all the same. She said: "There are not as many traders as we have been used to in the past. We have been having a good time, especially now the sun come out.

"We had some nice cheese and venison burger which was nice."

Caroline Fraser from Weymouth joined friends and family at the event (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Bridport Town Council leader Ian Bark attended the event. He said: "It is great to see so many people here despite the weather. I know I am going to be enjoying myself, sampling some local food and some beers I have never tried before."

Bridport Town Council leader Ian Bark (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Chairman of the Bridport Local Food Group - who organises the event - Peter Wilson said: "Despite the weather, we have had a good turnout today which is great - it's what it's all about.

"This is the 20th festival and it's great that we are still doing it and we are looking ahead to how we can keep it going for the future.

"Thank you to everyone who attended, the stall holders, town council, volunteers and everyone who made this event possible."

Chairman of the Bridport Local Food Group Peter Wilson (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Bridport Food Festival is run by the Bridport Local Food Group, a volunteer-run ‘not for profit’ group with the overall aim of promoting and supporting the area's fantastic food and drink industry and encouraging everybody to eat healthily and eat locally.