A Bridport choir has taken part in a 'brilliant festival' supporting peace, human rights, climate and social justice.

Dorset Red joined 45 choirs from around the UK at the 2024 Street Choir Festival in Sheffield from June 7 to June 9.

It was the choir's first time at the festival, which celebrated its 40th anniversary back in Sheffield, the city of its inauguration, with the theme 'One Song One Dance, One World One Chance'.

Dorset Red took part in organised busking around the city centre and joined over 1000 other singers in a mass sing in the Peace Gardens, welcomed by the Lord Mayor of Sheffield.

The choir then performed to at the Octagon Centre in the evening.

Kerrigan Lawrence, Dorset Red’s choir leader said: "It was such an uplifting event, and do you know what I enjoyed the most? Being around like-minded people who shared in this amazing way to show our support to the world through our voices and unity."

One choir member added 'it was fun, poignant, motivating and awesome' whilst other said it was a  ‘brilliant festival with a wonderful atmosphere.' 

Dorset Red will attend next year’s festival which will take place in Bradford.

Meanwhile, the choir will be singing in Bucky Doo Square on Saturday June 22 at 1.30pm, at the Martyrs’ Inn as part of the Tolpuddle Festival at lunchtime on Saturday July 20, and at the Bridport Folk Festival from July 26–28.

Barry Lovejoy, Dorset Red’s founder added: "We would welcome new members of any singing ability.

"Simply turn up at the Bridport Youth and Community Centre on a Thursday at 7.30pm, and/or check out our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/DorsetRed ."