A walking instructor has been raising money for cancer through a series of walks in the Lyme Regis area.

Nordic walking instructor Melanie Harvey has been leading walks of varying lengths and difficulty to raise money for the Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support (ALCS) charity. 

In total, 226.69 miles was collectively walked by those who took part in the fundraising hikes, raising more than  £1,000.

The charity aims to provide support for everyone living with and beyond cancer.

Melanie said: "I have been working with various charity support groups locally and decided it would be good to raise money for one of these causes.

"Working with the founder of Axminster and Lyme Cancer Support charity, Mary Kahn, I decided to dedicate a week of walks to raise money for this great charity."

The first walk of the week, the group completed a circular walk from Charmouth and over Conegar Hill.

For, the second walk of the week, they walked around the Chedington area.

Other walks included a stroll around Axminster and a more challenging hike along the Jurassic Coast from Cogden beach to Charmouth.

The final walk of the week started at the ALCS headquarters in Axminster and finished with a glass of fizz and cakes at the ALCS beach hut on Lyme Regis sea front.

Further information about the charity can be found at https://axminsterandlymecancersupport.co.uk/

To make a donation visit https://localgiving.org/fundraising/walktosupportalcs