A town in West Dorset came together to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the D-Day landings with a torchlight procession.

Lyme Regis took part in a torchlight procession and beacon lighting yesterday (Thursday, June 6) as part of the 80 year anniversary events to commemorate the Normandy landings in 1944.

The procession started at the Gin Shop on the Cobb at 9pm, before swathes of people proceeded along the sea front.

(Image: Maisie Hill) There the glow of torchlight made its way to Gun Cliff where a beacon was lit around 9.15pm. The beacon represents the ‘light of peace’ that emerged from the darkness of war.

(Image: Maisie Hill) D-Day was also marked in the town by other events co-ordinated by the town council.

Alan Vian, the town crier, read the D-Day 80 Proclamation at the steps of the Guildhall at 8am. 

An exhibition was also held at the Jubilee Pavilion on the seafront, which was organised by the museum. It featured photos and memories of D-Day in the seaside town. 

Cllr David Ruffle, Mayor of Lyme Regis, said: "Yesterday (Thursday, June 6) services were held at the War Memorial where wreaths were laid and the Last Post rang out around the town and also next to the US Army Plaque which acts as a memorial to the 1st Battalion  of the 16th Infantry Regiment of the US Army.

"For many of these men, the last act of kindness shown to them was by the people of Lyme and we are proud that it was so.  The evening culminated in a Torchlight Procession from the Cobb to the site of the Beacon on Gun Cliff Walk with over one hundred taking part and hundreds more lining the route.

"Prior to lighting the Beacon, local young members of the Explorer Sea Scout Unit, Josh ,Jacob and Ottilie joined me in reading the Tribute. A poignant moment for all. My personal thanks go out to everyone involved in making these events work so smoothly and show how we are all collectively so proud of our town.

"It’s so important that we remember those who fought and died for our freedom, they were just ordinary people like ourselves, but did some extraordinary things in extraordinary difficult times."

(Image: Maisie Hill) Two services took place in the town on the day, with the first seeing a wreath placed at the town's War Memorial to remember the lives of the 11 men from Lyme Regis who lost their lives during the Normandy Invasions. 

The second service was held in front of the D-Day plaque dedicated to the US 16th Infantry Regiment who were billeted in Lyme before leading the assault landing at Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944. 

(Image: Maisie Hill) The Marine Theatre offered a free showing of the war film The Longest Day as well as afternoon tea for senior citizens.

Events in the town are set to continue into the weekend with one of the first military wives choir will be appearing at the Woodmead Halls on Saturday, June 9.

The Lympstone choir was formed in 2011, and was one of the first to come together after a TV series from Gareth Malone. Military Wives choirs is a community of more than 2,000 women in 72 choirs across the UK and internationally. It is being organised by the Lyme Regis branch of the Royal British Legion. Tickets are £8 and can be purchased at the town council offices