Applications for an agricultural society’s scholarship fund has opened to give more assistance to students living in rural west Dorset wanting to pursue education in agricultural courses.

A scholarship has been made available by the Melplash Agricultural Society for up to £3,000 per year for students aged 16 and over who live within a 12-mile radius of the Melplash Village Church.

The scholarships are available for students planning on studying courses connected to agriculture. This includes farming, horticulture, engineering, forestry, ecology, agronomy and veterinary medicine.

It will offer financial assistance for apprenticeships, diplomas and degree courses, set up by the Melplash Agricultural Society, in connection with its education programme, Discover Farming.

Society director, Dan Newman said: “It is essential that we, as a society, do what we can to attract more young people from all backgrounds into agriculture.

“Both our Discover Farming programme and our scholarship scheme are in place to make this happen.”

(Image: Melplash Agricultural Society) Last year, the society had a total fund of £34,000 split between 18 local students. The funds helped then 16-year-olds William Banham pursue studying Agriculture Level 2 at Bicton College from a non-farming background and Bobby Hutchings- a farmer’s son who is working towards his Agriculture Level 3 at Kingston Maurward.

(Image: Melplash Agricultural Society) Mr Newman added: “We are extremely grateful to the generous and continued support of our sponsors and donors who make this possible, without their financial assistance we would not be able to support so many students.”

Since the scheme first started in 2006, scholarships totalling to the amount of £225,000 has been awarded to 86 students.

The closing date for applications is Monday, July 1. Applicants no not have to be from a farming background to apply for the scholarship.

Interviews are carried out later in July before the awards made in August at the Melplash Show, the society’s annual showcase event which this year will take place on Thursday, August 22. Last year, £30,000 was raised at the show. 

The application form is available to download from  

For more information and a full list of the careers available in agriculture, visit