A life-long resident of a west Dorset village is looking to 'secure the future' of her local church.

Val Widger has lived her whole life in Marshwood and is asking local people to share their memories of St Mary's Church in a bid to help save it.

The future of the 140-year-old church is uncertain and the building needs urgent repair work.

As reported, the church held its final service on Easter Sunday, but is to remain open for a year to allow Marshwood CE Primary School to keep using the space. 

An arrangement was struck between the Salisbury Diocese and the Acorn Academy Trust - which the school is part of - to financially support the running costs of the building whilst a permanent solution is found.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Marshwood CE Primary School using St Mary's Church during Remembrance week Marshwood CE Primary School using St Mary's Church during Remembrance week (Image: Marshwood CE Primary School)

Val is part of a project group which is now exploring how the church can be saved and transformed into an asset for the wider community.

She said: "I’ve lived in Marshwood all my life. 

"My grandmother was born here in 1901 and my children are the fifth generation.

"The church is an important part of our local heritage and holds so many memories.

"I was married here, and I’m hoping others will share their connections with Marshwood church, as we make plans to secure its future."

Val is creating an exhibition of photographs to capture the vibrant role the church has played in the life of the community over the years and is looking for others to contribute.

Bridport Museum has already shared images from its archives from around 1910, and Val has collected many others from over the decades - the most special of which are the church ceremonies that have marked people’s lives.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Marshwood CE Primary School using St Mary's Church in December 2023 Marshwood CE Primary School using St Mary's Church in December 2023 (Image: Marshwood CE Primary School)

She added: "I’d love it if people would bring photographs, memorabilia or a note, to show how Marshwood church is special to them, to add to the display on the day."

The free exhibition will be in the church on Saturday, June 22, when people can drop in from 10am until 4pm.

There will also be information about the 'Transforming Marshwood Church Together' project and how people can support the initiative or get involved.

Rev Sarah Godfrey, acting team rector of the Golden Gap Benefice, added: "The church was dedicated 140 years ago for the people of Marshwood. 

"Our vision is for the building to be transformed and developed for the future, to help the community, church and school of Marshwood flourish."

For more information about the exhibition and project, email margaret@goldencapchurches.org