Beaminster Museum is offering a drop-in session for archaeological findings with connections to Dorset. 

The liaison officer for Dorset Finds, Ciorstaidh Heyward Trevarthen, returns to the museum on Saturday, June 15 between 11am and 3pm. 

This free event falls under the national Portable Antiquities scheme, which traces archaeological - but not geological - discoveries. 

Ciorstaidh is looking for contributions not only from metal detectorists but also from gardeners and walkers who have discovered valuable items by chance.

Bid Wheeler, a volunteer for the museum, called on people who own artefacts with a Dorset connection to bring antiquities along to the event. 

Mrs Wheeler said: “The events are usually held twice a year with about 20 artefacts depending on who wants to come along.

“We expect a wide range of artefacts at this drop-in event.”

Items from previous years will also be put on show, including Bronze Age artefacts and Roman brooches, for which admission is free but donations are welcome.