Firefighters in Bridport have taken part in training exercises designed at tackling fires in high rise buildings.

Bridport Fire Station simulated a 'reconnaissance team' to enter a building and asses the situation using a range of specialist equipment. 

The team made up of an incident commander and two breathing apparatus wearers used kit such as radio communications, thermal imaging camera, gas monitors and smoke hoods. 

A spokesperson for Bridport Fire station said: "This weeks training we refreshed our knowledge on the practical side of fires in tall buildings - or high rise.

"This involved simulating what is known as the “reconnaissance team”. The team of three is off the first pump in attendance at a suspected fire in a tall building and is made up of an incident commander and two breathing apparatus wearers.

"This team will take a set amount of equipment in to the building and assess the incident.

"This kit includes but is not limited to radio comms, thermal imaging camera, gas monitor, smoke hoods, breaking in equipment, BA sets, BA telemetry board, BA entry control pouch, sector commander tabard, hose, firefighting branch, dividing breach, short hose length."