A history society in West Dorset is holding a day of activities to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The Bridport History Society are presenting ‘the road to D-Day’ on Thursday, June 13 at the United Church Hall in East Street.

Starting with registration at 10am, there will be a talk called ‘The Dorsets on D-Day’ presented by Christopher Jary of the Keep Regimental Museum in Dorchester.

There will then be a talk from Jane Ferentzi-Sheppard, Nick Pitt and friends on the 16th Infantry Regiment in West Dorset. 

Special guest from America, Steve Clay, the former president of the 16th Infantry Regiment, association and regimental historian will be giving a talk titled 'Seven Months to D-Day: An American view of the Regiment in West Dorset.'

There will be a panel discussion after the talks, with the day set to end around 4.30pm.

Entrance is £5 for visitors, £1 for history society members.

Mr Clay will give another meeting at Bridport Town Hall on Saturday, June 15, hosted by the Bridport Heritage Forum. The talk is titled ‘Omaha Beach.’ The talk will begin at 2pm, which will be followed by a discussion. Following this there will be an informal meeting at the 16th Infantry Memorial in Mountfield at 4.30pm. Tickets are £5 and can be purchased from the Tourist Information Centre. 

For more information, visit https://www.bridporthistorysociety.org.uk/