WEST Bay is a destination for numerous motorcyclists at the weekend.

Many of the bikers arrive via the West Bay Road which has a 30mph speed limit and speed cameras.

However, a great many leave West Bay along the winding Station Road.

This is used as the start of the race to Weymouth along the Coast Road where many are involved in serious accidents.

Station Road has (a national speed limit) and is used as a race track with roaring bikes travelling as fast as they can.

There are two blind corners on this road with the X53 bus using it to travel to and from Weymouth.

Pedestrians, which are having to take a diversion from the cliff path, also have to take their lives in their hands.

It is only a matter of time before there is a fatality.

In the past the council has used the excuse of the lack of housing to block the installation of a speed limit.

READ MORE: 'Village road closures for resurfacing'

However, there are now four new houses being built close to the road.

There is approximately a hundred yards of houses now along the road.

This is a plea for a speed limit along Station Road.

Jenny and Ron Fowler

West Bay