A quirky annual event dropped anchor in west Dorset.

West Bay’s Pirate Day proved to be a huge success with thousands showing up to take part in festivities.

Visitors were encouraged to wear their finest pirate costume to the event.

The event is organised by West Bay Days, which is a local organisation formed in 2012 and run by a group of dedicated volunteers. It works to support the future of West Bay, organising events for the benefit of the local community and to encourage visitors to the area. 

The free event has been taking place since 2015, bar two years in 2020 and 2021, when it was cancelled due to the Covid pandemic.

James Radcliffe, Chairman of West Bay Days, said of Sunday's event: “It was a very, very busy day, between 4,000 and 5,000 people must have shown up. All the car parks were full and Dorset Council were offering free parking for the day.

“There were pirates games for the children at the Salt House Green and there was also a tombola with teas and coffees being served. Later, there was live music, an outside bar and a barbecue as well as plenty of extra stalls.

“There were a few rain showers throughout the day, but this did not seem to deter anyone.”

This year, the West Bay Days is supporting a number of charities and groups including the Bridport Under 10’s Youth Football Club, the Bridport Scout Group, Escape autism support group, Bridport Men’s Wellness, Bridport Musical Theatre Company, Bridport Rugby Club, Bridport Youth Kickboxing, Wild Forest Schools and the Bridport Barracudas.

The supported charities go thorough an application process to be selected and last year, events hosted by West Bay Days including Pirates Day, West Bay Day and the firework event raised thousands.

The charities and groups also give back by getting involved in the events, whether it’s helping out with pirate themed games or serving tea and coffee.

Mr Radcliffe added: “It’s great to be able to support local groups and to be able to give them a bit of a boost.”

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