TWO events are planned to commemorate D-Day in Bridport.

On Thursday, June 13, the Bridport History Society will host a "Road to D-Day" event at the United Town Hall on East Street.

There will be speakers including Christopher Jary with "The Dorsets, Malta to D-Day", Jane Ferentzi-Sheppard, Nick Pitt and friends with the "US 16th Infantry in West Dorset and Steve Clay will host "Seven months to D-Day: An American view of the Regiment in West Dorset."

The event will begin at 10am until 4.30pm.

The event is £5 and £1 for members.

On Saturday, June 15, the Bridport Heritage Forum will host a D-Day 80th anniversary event at the Town Hall between 1.30pm and 4pm.

From 2pm there will be a talk and panel discussion entitled "Omaha Beach: What happened on June 6 1944" featuring Steve Clay.

at 4.30pm there will be an informal meeting at the 16th Infantary Memorial at Mountfield.

Tickets cost £5