The number of women choosing to enrol on boat building courses in Lyme Regis is on the rise.

The Boat Building Academy and Furniture School (BBA) is seeing encouraging results a year after implementing its new diversity and inclusion mission.

There has been an increase of 25 per cent in women signing up to some courses at the academy, which has become a priority for the BBA's director and co-chair of trustees Will Reed. 

He said: “Gender does not dictate what people are capable of doing, or not doing – it should be irrelevant.

"We are determined to make the BBA a welcome place for all and to have a better balance in the workshops."

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The BBA situated on Monmouth Beach is a professional training institution that teaches both modern and traditional boat-building methods. 

Alongside a bursary scheme available to all, a bursary scheme exclusively for women gives access to high-level training and career development opportunities and has already been taken up by six students.

The BBA’s flagship 40-week boat-building course, which often provides its graduates with a direct route into some of the country’s top boatyards, currently has 25 per cent women and one non-binary person amongst its ranks.

Will added: "We are thrilled with the positive results and this success has been boosted considerably by our close and ongoing collaboration with Women in Boatbuilding (WIBB).”

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WIBB works to expand the activity and support for women working hands-on in boatbuilding and related industries by working with organisations like the BBA and providing a mix of ​mentoring, workshops and social opportunities.

Founder of WIBB, Belinda Joslin said: “The first time I met Will in 2022 I asked him how many women he had enrolled on his upcoming 40-week boat building course, and he said: “None – and none in the course before it.

“Having worked as a finisher in the industry myself I wasn’t surprised by this.

“But I was impressed by Will’s determination to change this and his willingness to ask us for help.

"It’s very encouraging to see the progress we have already made through our joint strategy, combined with the inclusive environment that is a priority at BBA.“

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Amy Stringfellow, WIBB director, has worked with Will to create the Women’s Workshop, a five-day course which she has designed for women to try their hand at woodworking.

Some 11 women have taken part in the programme so far with plenty of interest in future courses. 

Belinda continued: “The BBA should now not only continue to proactively welcome and support women at the academy, but also expand to support BBA graduates when they enter the workforce. 

"We have already seen great results through our own mentoring scheme. I would like to see the BBA form its own graduate mentoring programme."

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: BBA student Marie Franklin (left) and BBA graduate and WIBB Director Dr Obiama OjiBBA student Marie Franklin (left) and BBA graduate and WIBB Director Dr Obiama Oji (Image: BBA)

BBA graduate and WIBB director Dr Obioma Oji has mentored current student Marie Franklin.

Marie added: “It has been a joy for me to be part of the WIBB mentorship scheme.

"I have been so fortunate as my mentor is a fabulous woman who has taken time to listen to me and had encouraged me in so many ways.

"It’s super inspiring to see how she has developed her boatbuilding and I always look forward to spending time with her and her infinite wisdom.”

For information on the BBA’s courses and bursaries please visit: