Bridport's biannual litter pick saw a large turnout with volunteers picking up all kinds of litter including a baby's dummy, a bicycle and underwear.

More than 100 people turned out for the Street to Sea 7 event across five sites in Bridport for the big clean.  

At each of the picking rendezvous sites, Co-op, Morrisons, Ropemakers, Seal's Cove and West Bay, pickers were rewarded for their efforts with complimentary refreshments.

This was the seventh Street to Sea event in the town in recent years.

Residents started from various points in the town, working their way down to West Bay, picking up litter as they went.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Volunteers litter picking on the beachVolunteers litter picking on the beach (Image: Sarah West)


The aim of the spruce up was for people who care about the town and the environment to remove rubbish from streets, rivers and beaches.

Cllr Ian Bark said: "The seventh ‘From Street to Sea’ mass litter pick was a very successful event with the number of Bridport citizens out on the streets, riverbanks and beaches well in excess of previous events.

"It is really pleasing to see an increasing number of people taking positive action to free the area we all call home from the discarded detritus of less thoughtful others.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Volunteers queueing up to start the volunteer litter pickVolunteers queueing up to start the volunteer litter pick (Image: Caroline Pearce)

"In addition to the numerous sacks of plastic and glass bottles, drinks cans and fast food wrappers collected there were some more unusual items including a baby’s dummy, a bicycle, plastic guttering and down pipes and various items of clothing including underwear."

Despite the filled sacks being picked by numerous residents, Cllr Bark was pleased to hear that the amount of litter on the streets appeared to be less than in past years.

He added: "What was heartening was reports from many of the seasoned pickers that overall there was less litter evident in many areas.

"That said there is still a long way to go before Bridport’s streets rivers and beaches are litter-free.

"Bridport Town Council’s ongoing support by supplying gazebos, tables and chairs plus collecting the mountain of rubbish at the end is much appreciated"

A spokesperson for Bridport Town Council said: "We are enormously grateful to the organisers, the volunteers who turned out in such numbers, and the groups that support the event. 

"It was wonderful to see so many people taking so much pride in our wonderful town."

The Autumn Street to Sea is scheduled to take place on Sunday, October 20.