Two manor building sculptures which were in “dire and urgent” need of repair, have recently been restored to their former glory.

A pair of lead eagle statues has resided over the Tudor/Jacobean Mapperton House, near Beaminster, for around 300 years.

In 2022 a severe storm caused one of the eagles to fall off its perch, and it was soon discovered that both required extensive repairs. 

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: In 2022 a severe storm caused one of the eagles at Mapperton House to fall over, and it was soon discovered that both were in dire and urgent need of repairIn 2022 a severe storm caused one of the eagles at Mapperton House to fall over, and it was soon discovered that both were in dire and urgent need of repair (Image: Mapperton Estate)

Luke and Julie Montagu, Viscount and Viscountess Hinchingbrooke, subsequently set up a GoFundMe fundraiser to help raise the £25,000 needed for the specialist restoration project.

The appeal was launched on their YouTube channel Mapperton Live and surpassed expectations - with more than £23,000 raised so far.

Luke Montagu, Viscount Hinchingbrooke, said: “We are so pleased to see the eagles back at Mapperton. When one fell off its perch in the storm in October 2022, we had no idea that both birds would need such extensive repairs. 

“Thanks to the generosity of our patrons and donors we have been able to fund their restoration and we hope they will now soar above Mapperton for another 300 years.”

Mapperton House is located two miles from Beaminster in the heart of the Dorset countryside.

It was voted ‘the Nation’s Finest Manor House’ by Country Life magazine while the gardens recently won the ‘Historic Houses Garden of the Year’ award.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Mapperton House near BeaminsterMapperton House near Beaminster (Image: Mapperton House)

The restoration journey was described as “a labour of love” for Mike White from Taunton, who disassembled the eagles, replaced supports, remoulded, and added new lead to revive them.

Darren Lang, the stonemason at Mapperton, then rebuilt the plinths and strengthened the stone piers.

A special unveiling ceremony was held at the manor with American donors flying over especially for the day.

The county estate also hosted falconry displays from Xtreme Falconry of Dorchester, with guests having the opportunity to take a photo with the birds.

While the statues themselves have been restored, the fundraiser is still open and donations will now go towards repairing the pillars which support the eagles.

You can donate to the fundraiser by going to the GoFundMe page: