A CHARITY now in its 10th year is preparing for a big move as it expands operations in west Dorset.

As reported by the News, mental health charity Harmony, based in Bridport, has outgrown its current premises, the old assembly rooms on Gundry Lane, and will be moving to a new, more accessible and larger premises at St Michael’s trading estate, where it will open its doors tomorrow, May 24.

The charity created a fundraiser to help with the costs involved and in March was looking to raise a further £6,000 to complete the initial stage of the move.

Ali Cliffe, a Harmony trustee, said: “We have been in the assembly room so long that a lot of the furniture has broken. We are taking everything we have got to the new centre.

“We will open this Friday which is very exciting and we are doing a crowd funder for another two weeks and have raised around £835 so far which means we have got some money to help towards the move.

“We were also donated £3,000 from the folk festival last year which we have saved to help with the move.

“This move is massive, especially since the pandemic – we have seen a significant increase demand.

“It’s a safe place with friendly staff who are non-judgemental.

“We have stepped up from being a little drop in charity and it’s now becoming a bigger support hub for everybody.”

Harmony provides support to hundreds of local people every year. It runs a wide range of groups during the day designed to help combat loneliness, reduce stress, anxiety and depression and improve confidence.

It also runs the Community Front Room, a crisis mental health support service every Thursday to Sunday between 2.15pm and 9.45pm, for anyone needing immediate one to one support.

To view the charity’s crowdfunding appeal visit https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/the-harmony-centre-new-venue-refurbishment.