Two cats found dead at the roadside  have prompted a plea from a Bridport veterinary practice left unable to trace any owners.

Haydon Vets, on Corbin Way, said the two cats are believed to have both been hit by cars in separate incidents.

They were taken into the clinic at the same time on Wednesday.

The cats were reportedly found by residents on the roadside in Bradpole and Melplash.

The vets say the cause of the death was head trauma, having likely been hit by vehicles.

However, as neither cat had been microchipped, staff at Haydon Vets have been unable to get in contact with the owners.

On June 10, it will be mandatory for cats to be microchipped after legislation was passed in Parliament.

Owners found not to have microchipped their cat will have 21 days to have one implanted, or may face a fine of up to £500.

Emma Samways, veterinary nurse at Haydon Vets has called for all cat owners to get their pets microchipped.

She said that microchipping can speed up the process of letting families know if their cat has been in an accident.

She said: "All cats need to be microchipped, soon it will be a legal requirement, but I could have contacted the owners of these cats in five minutes."

In 2023, Haydon Vets helped reunite a missing cat found in Bridport to its owners in Surrey, 18 months after it disappeared.

READ MORE: Missing cat travels 40 miles before being reunited with family 18 months on

Ms Samways added: "The only reason we were able to reunite that cat with their owners is because it was microchipped.

"But the importance of microchipping isn't just about cats who mistakenly travel from London to Cornwall, it is so that when we have sad news, the owners of the pets can get closure.

"They get to have the body back, bury their cat, or they don't have to sit worrying if their cat is alive.

"The new law means that the time of not knowing what has happened should be in the past.

"Everyone should be able to know what has happened to their cat, whether it is happy news or sad news."