An environmental author is set to deliver a talk in West Bay about her travels on a bamboo bike through South America.

Former university lecturer turned eco-adventurer Kate Rawles will take to Sladers Yard with her Adventure in the Andes: The Life Cycle Biodiversity Bike Ride talk on Thursday, November 23, at 7pm.

Kate cycled the length of South America on a bamboo bike she built herself and enroute explored biodiversity, what it is, what’s happening to it and ‘why losing it amounts to as great a threat as climate change.’

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Kate RawlesKate Rawles (Image: Sladers Yard)

Doors will open at 6pm with a hot supper and bar also available.

The environmental speaker has written widely on environmental issues including two books, The Life Cycle, which has been shortlisted for this year’s Banff Mountain Festival Adventure Travel Book Award, and The Carbon Cycle, Crossing the Great Divide which was based on a bike ride from Texas to Alaska exploring climate change.

Her overall aim is to ‘help deliver a massive wake-up call and raise awareness and inspire effective, intelligent action on some of our most urgent environmental challenges.’

Kate has lectured at numerous universities and organisations and is a powerful and popular public speaker, she runs occasional Outdoor Philosophy courses, using the power of wild places to support personal and professional positive action on environmental sustainability and to explore all important questions about values and worldviews, particularly in relations to humans and the natural world.

Bridport and Lyme Regis News: Kate's bamboo bikeKate's bamboo bike (Image: Sladers Yard)

The speaker grew up in Scotland, bar a few years in Penzance, and now lives in Cumbria with her partner, Chris and is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a member of The Adventure Syndicate, and an ambassador for the Lake District Foundation.

She also holds sea kayaking and mountain leader qualifications and has a PhD in Environmental Philosophy from Glasgow University, a Masters in Applied Ethics from Colorado State University and an undergraduate degree in Philosophy from Aberdeen University.

Tickets to the event are £10, and proceeds will go to Dorset Wildlife Trust and the making of the Vicar of the Amazon film.

To book tickets, call Skaders Yard on: 01308 459511.