Members of the Rotary Club of Bridport have planted thousands of hyacinth bulbs in preparation for Christmas.

In just two hours, 2,100 bulbs were planted across 700 pots before being stored away, ahead of selling them in the weeks leading up to the festive period.

The bulbs will be available in blue, pink and white from stalls on Bucky Doo Square and in Beaminster, on Saturdays, and possibly some Wednesday mornings. The hyacinths will also be available from local shops and club members.

Club president, Chrissie Bailey, said: “I was so sorry not to join club members at this year’s bulb planting as I was sadly away from home.

“But as you can see there was great industry and of course fellowship throughout the afternoon. Next stop Christmas and Bucky-Doo and Beaminster.”

Profits from the sales will go to support local, national and international charities. For more information on what the Rotary Club does you can visit their website