GARDENERS will be sharing the bounty of their spring sowings as a popular plant swap event takes place in west Dorset.

Bridport Plant Swap will take place at Bridport Community Shed near Bedford Place on Saturday, May 20 from 10am-12pm.

This year sees the return of the event that has happened in the market town for 10 years and was previously held in Bucky Doo Square.

Gardeners can re-home their surplus seedlings and plants they have grown and can pass on their surplus and follows a seed swap event in January. 

The plant swap was originally instigated by the late Jude Hopkins of Plan B, a group founded to support local ecological endeavours.

Debbie Smith, previously of Watercleaves Pre-school and now central to the team organising the children's tent at the Bridport Food Festival, was talking with Eileen Haste, trustee of the Community Shed, with the pair deciding to reinvigorate the plant swap this year.

“We're really looking forward to bringing the Plant Swap back to Bridport's gardening calendar and in memory of Jude too who was so pro-active in initiating local gardening projects," said Debbie. 

"The Plant Swap is a wonderful example of much we can all benefit if we aim to share our skills and experiences."

For more info call Eileen Haste on 07879 280334 or email