Two people rescued after getting stuck in mud have told of the terrifying experience.

As reported, the pair got cut off by the tide beneath the muddy cliffs of Black Ven between Lyme Regis and Charmouth early on Sunday evening.

They were hauled to safety in a joint operation involving the RNLI, coastguards and firecrews.

Lyme Regis Lifeboat was able to rescue the pair due to the calm sea conditions along with the help of a coastguard mud rescue team.

The two rescued who were rescued are Max Drinan, 32, a copywriter, and Sadie Solagnier, 29, a medical editor. They had travelled down to Lyme Regis from their home in London to celebrate Max’s birthday at the coast.

Sadie said: “It was terrifying. The water was up to my hips and we realised the tide was coming in. Max was up to his knees in water, but we could not reach each other. I think we were about six metres apart.

“I managed to get some purchase on rocks which helped me to stand up.

“But all the time we did not know how high the tide would be. It was so comforting to see people arriving to help us and, in particular, the lifeboat and the two lifeboat crew members who came to us and helped to calm us down."

She added: “Apart from this experience we loved our visit to Lyme Regis and we will be coming back again next year. We hope to call in to the lifeboat station and repeat our thanks to everyone who helped us.”