The parents of a baby boy born with an incredibly rare disorder - affecting just 10 children across the world - have told of their desperate fight to bring him home to the UK to save him.

Four-month-old Finley Phillips was born with a chromosomal disorder which has left him with holes in his heart.

A duplication of chromosome 14, has resulted in him being diagnosed with a number of significant abnormalities, including Craniosynostosis (early skull fusion), two holes in his heart; severe hearing loss; club feet and hands and an inability to gain weight.

This diagnosis means Finley will have severe developmental delays and an ongoing lifelong disorder.

Finley and parents Nick Phillips, from West Bay, and Abby Kay, from Surrey, currently live in Bangkok, Thailand.

The couple moved there five years ago to fulfil their dream of living overseas.

Abby's job as a teacher in an international school has given her private health insurance which covered the cost of her pregnancy.

Heartbreakingly, after Finley was born, she was told they would not be covered for operations to save Finley's life. The family are now fundraising to pay for medical bills and a trip home which will cost £40,000.

Abby said: "I contacted our insurance company, and they told me they don't cover birth defects.

"So I asked if I could pay a premium to cover the cost of Finley's medical bills and they told me that because we now know about the condition, they won't insure us.

"So we now have to pay for everything, we used up all of our savings and our families' money, and we have already spent more than £15,000."

The couple had been unable to make the journey to the UK due to Finley’s poor health and had managed to raise £40,000 from their fundraiser to help cover some of the costs of Finley’s ever-growing medical bills while overseas.

Now, with a trip to the UK possible, the family are in desperate need of money to help take Finley home.

Abby said: “The doctors, after much consultation, have decided that they are going to fly Finley home.

"This is because if they start treatment here, which they need to get started in the next two to four weeks, then he won’t be able to fly for at least three years. Whereas with a medical escort team they can fly him home now.

“We will be flying home to UK with Finley within the next seven to ten days. We are completely shellshocked at the moment and trying to process this because it's completely uprooting our life here, I just had to tell my school I have to leave, we have to pack up our whole life and move within a week.

"Doctors are estimating it will cost £40,000, that with the current hospital bill, the donations are invaluable.

“We don’t know which hospital Finley will be transported to yet. Whichever hospital in the UK can best take care of Finley, that’s where we will move to. It depends where Finley goes, we don’t know that yet."

To donate to Finley's fundraiser visit the Finley Rain JustGiving Page.