WE VISITED Lyme Regis for a day trip on Saturday, May 21.

This was our first holiday for three years and we were looking forward to seeing the sea again.

We parked in the top car park and travelled down the hill, my husband is disabled and is on a scooter.

The pavements got very narrow and finally ended with them blocked by builders’ rubble.

He had to back up to find a dropped pavement which took over half an hour which was quite hair raising.

We never got to see the sea, mainly because we saw no signage for the seafront or the disabled parking down there.

I guess Lyme Regis does not encourage disabled visitors or visitors of any sort?

We would like to thank a young man and his little girl for helping me find the right car park when we got lost, he tore up his little girl’s colouring book to draw me a map.

It was the one bit of kindness on that awful day.

Carol Hallam
