The family of David Warburton is reportedly standing by him as the Conservative MP faces an investigation into his alleged misconduct.

Mr Warburton’s brother-in-law, Jonathan Baker-Bates, said the Tory and his wife believed he had “not done anything wrong”.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Mr Baker-Bates, brother of Harriet Warburton – the MP’s wife of 20 years – said the couple were “absolutely… standing by each other”.

He added: “They’ve always been a very happy couple for as long as I’ve known them. Harriet is obviously affected herself… I think she is obviously finding it hard.

“I got a call from my sister last night. That’s the first time I’ve heard of it. She seems to be surprised by it as much as anyone else. Her line is as his – he’s not done anything wrong and these things have explanations. ”

It comes as the politician was admitted to a psychiatric hospital to be treated for shock and stress on Sunday.

The Somerton and Frome MP, who has had the Tory whip withdrawn, is receiving medical support for issues he has been facing, the PA news agency understands.

Mr Warburton is facing claims his conduct is being examined by Parliament’s Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS).

Following the publication of an image which appeared to show the Tory MP pictured alongside lines of a white substance, his brother-in-law said “that behaviour is out of character”.

2015 General Election candidates
David Warburton is facing allegation of misconduct (PA)

Mr Baker-Bates also questioned whether the allegations could be part of a “fix-up”.

“As far as I know, that behaviour is out of character and the wider allegations appear out of character,” he told the paper.

“He was always very conscious that he is an MP so it is surprising in that context.”

The Sunday Times reported that two women had made formal complaints to the ICGS about Mr Warburton’s behaviour and a third woman had also made allegations about his conduct.

All three women accuse him of unwanted sexual comments and sexual touching, the newspaper said, and the latter also accuses the MP of having used cocaine at her home.

According to The Sunday Times, the two women who complained to the ICGS were former parliamentary aides, while the other met him through politics.

Mr Warburton is said to deny any wrongdoing.

PA has made multiple attempts to contact him for comment.

He is cited as telling The Telegraph: “I have enormous amounts of defence, but unfortunately the way that things work means that doesn’t come out first.

“I have heard nothing whatsoever from the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme.

“I’m sorry, I can’t comment any further.”

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps earlier said that allegations about Mr Warburton’s conduct should be investigated and the facts established.

He told Sky’s Sophy Ridge On Sunday: “The party has, I think, withdrawn the whip, and put this under the investigation, which needs to go through its process.

“I don’t have any sort of further knowledge of it other than what I’ve read in the newspapers and what the party’s said.

“Obviously, any allegations like this need to be taken extremely carefully, but all the facts will need to be brought out as well. So until we get there I don’t think there’s much more I can helpfully add to it.”

A spokesperson for the Whips’ Office said: “David Warburton MP has had the Conservative Party whip removed while the investigation is ongoing.”

A House of Commons spokesperson said: “We can’t confirm or deny any current investigations.

“Parliament’s Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) operates on the basis of absolute confidentiality.

“Therefore, we cannot provide any information on complaints or investigation, including whether or not a complaint has been received.”