ON SATURDAYS and Wednesdays it’s wonderful to see Bridport’s South Street literally heaving with shoppers enjoying the relaxed atmosphere that market day brings to our lovely town.

The only thing that spoils this amazing event is the traffic!

Since Covid the market stalls have encroached into the road space. This is of course a necessary risk expansion to give more space for the pedestrians on the pavement.

I say risk because drivers have to be extremely careful and alert, driving very slowly to avoid stall holders and shoppers stepping into the roadway.

If delivery vehicles are stationary, the situation is without doubt dangerous, it’s an accident waiting to happen.

This of course only highlights why South Street should be closed to all traffic from the Town Hall to the junction of Gundry and Folly Mill Lane, with the exception for emergency vehicles, and it should be done sooner rather than later.

I also have to agree with the letter from David Tett, allowing traffic to turn right exiting Downes Street is utter madness. It should be left turn only.

Eventually I hope that the authorities will realise that the traffic flow will only get worse and that they see sense and urgently change the traffic movement plan for Bridport, because as it is it’s not working.

