FOR many years I have been calling for South Street to be closed to all non emergency traffic from the Town Hall to the junction of Gundry Lane.

Objections came from shop owners, saying that it would reduce their footfall!

Never quite understood that one as I think most shoppers would need to be out of their vehicles before entering a shop!

The truth is that these objections came from people who couldn’t envisage the bigger picture. The high street is suffering serious decline, since the advent of online shopping there was only ever going to be one outcome.

If the area I have highlighted was pedestrian only, it would encourage people to remain in a carefree environment, pop up shops, dedicated outside areas to enjoy a pint, or a meal or just a coffee, with no traffic!

Obviously emergency vehicles would need access, but no left turn from the east and no right turn from the west, and no traffic lights, how good does that sound.

Better still, no congestion.

Better additional parking is required so our visitors can stop and enjoy what our wonderful town has to offer.