DORSET & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service is recruiting young people aged 16-25 who are not in education, employment or training for its upcoming Prince’s Trust Team programme to help boost future job prospects.

The 12-week personal development course will involve a mixture of group activity sessions both indoors and out, including a two-week work experience placement, enabling participants to gain the evidence required for the Prince’s Trust Employment, Teamwork and Community Skills qualification.

Debbie Harvey, Prince’s Trust Team Leader, said: “We are looking forward to the Team programme restarting after the January course had to be postponed due to Covid-19.

"The course is a great way to build up your confidence, develop skills employers are looking for and improve your CV to help you in your next step.

“We’ve got a packed 12 weeks planned, including lots of outdoor adventure and team building activities in the first two weeks, such as canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking and climbing, to get the group working together as a team.”

The course starts on Monday, May 17 and will be delivered from the 3rd Poole Sea Scout Centre, Edith Lyle Hall, West Quay Road, Poole.

Spaces are limited to follow social distancing guidelines during indoor sessions.

Anyone interested should contact Debbie Harvey, Prince’s Trust Team Leader, as soon as possible on 07500 066134 or email