Police stopped 65 cars on the Dorset-Devon border on Easter Sunday.

Police were turning away cars at the county borders if they were found to be making non-essential journeys.

On the A35 at Raymond's Hill, on the Dorset/Devon border, 65 vehicles were stopped, one turned around and two people reported for a breach.

Traffic police were called to help officers who were dealing with people demanding entry to their holiday caravan. They were sent home.

A spokesman for Dorset Traffic Cops said: “We have had officers at various strategic routes into the county.

"On the border with Devon and on our northern border with Somerset and Wiltshire the majority of vehicles stopped were for essential journeys. Thank you.

"However, on the A31 on the border with Hampshire, a number of vehicles were stopped where the travel was not essential.”

Some of the reasons given were:

* Two families from London wanting to visit the beach as it was a nice day

* A family from London, who had hired a campervan with the intention to come to Dorset to self isolate

* A couple from London wanting to go spear fishing

* A man from Aylesbury who was visiting a friend to brush up on his CV

* A few couples from Southampton who had come to walk their dog Police said a number of vehicles were escorted from the county. Meanwhile, one car was seized for no insurance and two other tickets were issued for ‘identified offences’.