"I WOULD have been safer from coronavirus in Vietnam," a Lyme Regis woman has said after returning from Asia to find "appalling" management of the outbreak in the UK.

Ruth Worsley said she was "horrified" to find no health checks in place at Heathrow on Friday, compared to stringent measures at Vietnamese airports, with strict measures in place across the country as a whole.

"I shot through - there was no security besides passport control, and no health team.

"In Vietnam when I went through the airports I was stopped, I had my temperature taken, I had to fill out a declaration form to say I had no symptoms. In London there was none of that."

At the time of writing there are just 241 confirmed coronavirus cases in Vietnam, which borders China, where the virus originated.

"I have huge respect for Vietnam, which relies heavily on tourism but has bravely put its nation's health first, with extraordinary measures including screening at roadside blocks, hotels and restaurants right from the start.

"It really struck me, the comparison between a country that's not developed to a Western country, where there has been appalling management and an unacceptable level of cases."

Ruth Worsley, who works for the National Trust, had been in Vietnam for a month to visit her son, who teaches in a language college.

It, along with other colleges and schools, was closed by the Vietnamese government as soon as news of the virus hit.

Ruth was stuck in limbo for a week at an airport hotel, after the UK Government instructed British citizens to return home - a journey that cost her dearly.

"The UK government will only repatriate people in countries where there's no commercial flights," said she.

"Ironically although in Vietnam there were commercial flights, they were being cancelled at the last minute and the ones that did run put the prices up.

"Where one would normally pay around £300 to £400 I paid almost £2000. It's outrageous that airlines are capitalising on this.

"On reflection, after returning to England I wish I'd extended my visa for three months and stayed on with my son and his girlfriend - I would have been a lot safer out there."


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