David Cannon’s letter (Bridport News, August 8) gave useful advice on reporting much-loved tracks and footpaths in need of attention.

The subject of my letter is a Green Lane, which has almost disappeared.

An ‘official’ Green Lane is in a higher category than footpaths and bridleways and my Green Lane in question dates from medieval times when the people of the Loders valley would use it to get to the market in Bridport either walking or by horse and cart. It existed before fields were created!

The lane leaves the top of East Road just beyond the bus layby and heads in a north-easterly direction across to the Asker valley villages.

Throughout the 50 years my family have lived beside it there has been constant use by ramblers, horse riders, cyclists and motor cyclists. Now it is hidden and totally overgrown.

I have appealed to local councils and rambling clubs for action or even advice and have discovered that it is – or should be! – maintained by Highways England who are much too busy to bother with a humble Green Lane near Bridport!

I think it will have to be a winter project to gather willing helpers and make it a DIY exercise. It mustn’t be lost.

Green Lane House