A west Dorset refuge and retreat will be welcoming a new warden.

The Rev'd Sue Langdon will be taking over the post at Pilsdon Community from the Rev’d Michael Deegan, who has been the warden for seven years but has decided to retire in September.

The Rev’d Sue Langdon has lived and worked locally for many years and has been a friend of Pilsdon, serving both as a member of the community and also taking regular services.

She was a senior nurse in guernsey before she began her family and held a government position there representing health.

She was ordained in Salisbury in 2003 and has extensive experience as a retreat guide and spiritual accompanier to clergy and laity from across the south west, running workshops for the Diocese and well as taking Sunday services locally.

Andrew Davey, chairman of trustees, said: “We were delighted to receive the application from Sue and even more pleased that she agreed to take up the role.

“Michael has been a dedicated and much-loved warden and has brought the community through a great period f change, including alterations to funding systems and the upgrade of many facilities at Pilsdon.

“His extremely dry sense of humour delivered in an American lilt will be sorely missed, but we hope he will not be travelling too far from the area.”

A farewell for the Rev’d Michael Deegan will be held on Sunday, September 8 at Pilsdon Church, with tea at 4.40pm and a service at 6.30pm.

The Rev’d Michael Deegan said: “I came to Pilsdon without really understanding how it worked and only knew it by its reputation.

“The community has formed me and challenged me in ways I could not have imagined, and I hope I am leaving it with the spirit it greeted me with.

“I know Sue will bring a life and direction that only she can give. It is true, Pilsdon receives the leader it needs for the life it lives today.”

The Pilsdon Community offers a refuge to people in crisis, welcoming those from all backgrounds and different walks of life.

It shares a common life of prayer, hospitality and work where people can begin to rebuild their lives or just wish to find time to reflect on their lives before making a change in direction.

Pilsdon is home to around 25 people and for more information, visit Pilsdon.org.uk