Thousands of pounds have been given to charity following a successful and record breaking Musicathon.

Bridport Musicathon, an all-day event made up of performances from local choirs, school children, musicians, singers and more, raised more than £2,000 for its two chosen charities.

The 11th Musicathon event took place on June 11, the first one since the death of its original organiser, Jo O’Farrell. This year’s event was organised by Vince O’Farrell and Pat Crawford.

Once again records were broken with a total of £2,420 being raised, £150 more than last year.

Proceeds this year were split equally between The Richard Ely Trust for Young Musicians and the Dorset County Hospital Chemotherapy Appeal, each of which received a cheque for £1,210.

At the cheque presentation earlier this month at Bridport United Church, where the Musicathon took place, Vince O’Farrell, on behalf of himself and Pat Crawford, thanked everyone who helped on the day, including Bridport Lions Club, Roz Copson, Chris Bunney, stewards and other volunteers, and of course all those who performed and those who came to watch.

Bridport mayor, Cllr Barry Irvine then presented cheques to Richard Ely on behalf of The Richard Ely Trust for Young Musicians and to Simon Pearson, head of fundraising for the Dorset County Hospital charity.

Next year’s Musicathon is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 6.