A charity shop volunteer has been recognised for all her work and shortlisted for an award.

Abbie Button has been volunteering at YMCA charity shop in Bridport for around 13 months and comes with her carer Tracey Marles. Abbie has autism and sensory processing disorder.

Due to all her hard work and what she has achieved, Abbie is a finalist for the Young Volunteer of the Year Award in the YMCA Youth Matters Awards, which honours young people, staff and volunteers from YMCA across England and Wales.

A YMCA spokesperson said: “When she started volunteering, she was very quiet and shy, she would only work in the back store room with Tracey and did not talk or engage with customers or other staff. Within a matter of weeks, Abbie was talking to other volunteers.

“Abbie can now do a very thorough shop walk and is able to design and display a window.

“Abbie is a happy, trustworthy volunteer who volunteers for up to 10 hours a week with the assistance of Tracey. This is a massive breakthrough for Abbie as it has made her more confident in her surroundings and recently, she is willing to stay without her carer for short periods of time.

“Tracey hopes to build this into a longer period of time as she gains more self-esteem.

“Abbie has inspired other volunteers to step out of their comfort zone.”

The Youth Matters Awards will take place on Friday, November 8.

The judging panel is made up of YMCA leaders, YMCA youth ambassadors and professionals across various sectors.

For more information, visit ymca.org.uk