Fire chiefs are reminding people to take care around heathland on the last weekend of the school summer holidays.

It follows two heath fires in the east of the county on Thursday.

Group Manager for Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Steve Waller said: “Heath fires require multiple crews to tackle them, and they can spread rapidly. When the weather is dry and warm, the risks increase.

“This weekend will see thousands of people out and about for the end of the school holidays – we would therefore ask everyone to take extra care when using portable barbecues, disposing of cigarettes and matches, or having any kind of camp fire. Please also keep an eye out for anyone messing around with fire and report it immediately if you do see something suspicious.”

Other top tips from the brigade for preventing fire outdoors include:

* Avoid open fires in the countryside. If you must have a fire, make sure that you’re in a designated safe area

* Put out cigarettes and other smoking materials properly before you leave your vehicle

* Do not throw cigarette ends out of your vehicle. They could start a fire and destroy surrounding countryside

* If you see a fire in the countryside, report it immediately. Do not tackle a fire yourself, unless it can be put out with a bucket of water. Please call the fire service and leave the area as soon as possible

* Ensure that you know your location or a landmark so you can direct the fire service

More advice can be found at