The second event in a series of days looking back at life in the 1940s has been hailed a success.

‘Fun in the 40s’, hosted by Bridport Heritage Forum, followed on from ‘Food in the 40s’ earlier this month and had people dancing and singing along to the era’s most popular entertainment.

Sheila Meaney, an organiser of the event and member of Bridport Heritage Forum, said: “The 40s fun event was wonderful, full of fun and enthusiasm with people joining in to be part of a morning of wonderful entertainment.

“The performers were fantastic, kicking off with a great performance from the children - and parents - of St Mary’s and Salway Ash schools, which set the scene for the rest of the day.

“Visitors engaged with the music and songs from Tinkers Cuss, Theresa Grinter, Jon and Nick and Peter Burns, singing along with all the popular songs of the forties.

“The dance displays from Jodie Glover’s senior musical theatre group and Dee Lanning’s Dynamic Dance jive and Charleston groups were breath taking but undeterred, many of the watching audience left their seats to learn some steps and join in - it was great.”

This Saturday will bring the final 40s event, ‘Fashion in the 40s, which will also take place in Bridport Town Hall.

The centrepiece of the day will be an almost continuous fashion parade, showcasing the 1940s clothes and accessories from Terri Weller’s collection. Ladies fashions will be high on the agenda, but gentlemen will not be forgotten, and there will be an appearance of three ‘evacuee children’. The shows will start at 10.30am, 11.15am, 12 noon, 12.45pm and 1.30pm.

Around the town hall there will be opportunities to ‘make do and mend’, learn to knit and darn for children where they will have the chance to make their own toys and learn French knitting.

Visitors can also try on vintage hats and dresses, as well as have their hair styled in the fashions of 75 years ago.

There will also be a competition where visitors can attempt to draw the straightest line up the back of their calf to replicate the 40s stocking seam, a common practice in war time when nylon stockings were in short supply.

The event will take place on Saturday, August 31 from 10am to 2pm. Access to the town hall can also be gained by a lift in the tourist information centre.