More money may be pumped into getting Dorset residents hooked up to superfast broadband.

A report to councillors warns that without guaranteeing additional finance around 10,000, mainly rural premises in the county may be unable to get a superfast connection.

Government grant money has been offered to pay BT to put in faster lines where the commercial market does not see enough profit and will not act.

So far more than 84,000 premises have been connected to the next generation system through the programme, according to a report to the Dorset Council cabinet paper on September 3.

Councillors will be asked to invest £723,000 from existing Superfast Dorset programme underspends to unlock an additional £5 million of external money to bring fibre broadband to more premises in the Dorset Council area.

The proposal would provide access to future-proof full fibre broadband to more than 2,000 premises, a quarter of them businesses. This would come from extending an existing contract with BT/Openreach.