A kayaker came to the rescue after two swimmers got into trouble at sea.

Concern was raised for two swimmers at Seatown on Saturday evening.

West Bay Coastguard Rescue Team was called just after 5pm on Saturday to reports two swimmers were some distance from shore, where they had been for a long time, and were possibly in difficulty.

Officers made their way to the station at West Bay to pick up their equipment and rescue vehicle then headed straight for Seatown. On arrival, officers met with the person who raised the alarm and were told that both swimmers had made it back to the safety of the beach assisted by a kayaker who paddled out to them.

Officers spoke with the swimmers to carry out a welfare check and gather details.

With everyone safe, the team was then stood down to return to station.

A spokesman for the team said: "Thanks goes out to the members of the public who reported their concerns to the coastguard. Stay safe this bank holiday weekend but, if you find yourself in difficulty or see something which gives you cause for concern, do not hesitate to dial 999 and ask for the coastguard."