A PARTY in a park will help villagers give their play area a makeover it desperately needs.

Plans to renovate Burton Bradstock's much-used play park are well underway, and more than £50,000 has been raised so far from donations, business contributions and the parish council to allow the first phase to be carried out.

But the group of volunteers behind the project still need to fundraise a significant amount for phase two - and a party on Burton playing field will help them do just that.

Live music, entertainment, food and drink - including a bar by Dorset Nectar - stalls, cake sales and a raffle will deliver some bank holiday fun this weekend, all in aid of the revamp.

Volunteers have been working together for some time to raise funds for the play area project.

The play area was significantly upgraded in 2006 and has been popular with residents and visitors to the area alike. More than a decade on, villagers found the equipment was starting to look its age and in need of new lease of life.

A small group has been trying to raise the amount needed to replace the 'dilapidated' equipment in the park.

To make the cost of the renovation manageable, the project has been split phases. The first phase means a set of new swings is currently being installed and, alongside this, an all-access basket swing and for young and old.

A brand-new zip wire is also being built and a shelter is due to be constructed, as requested by the children of Burton Bradstock School who use the playing field for sporting activities.

Before work on the first phase started, fundraising began for the second phase; replacing the old-fashioned central slide unit with something 'modern, exciting and inclusive.'

More than £11,000 has already been raised towards this, helped by the generosity of local residents and business owners and supplemented by a £10,000 award from the National Lottery Community Fund.

There is still a lot more fundraising to do to get to the £30,000 target for phase two, and the play area project desperately need more volunteers.

To show your support, head to the playing field this Saturday between 1-5pm for Party in the Park.

Entrance costs £2 for adult and is free for children.

All proceeds will go towards the project.

For more information about Saturday's event, email Tanya Hastings at tanyacaematt@aol.com

If you would like to help with the project, contact bbplaygroundproject@gmail.com or Burton Bradstock Parish Council at theclerk@chesilbankparish.org.