Ending a period of limbo, the arts centre will welcome a new director.

Mick Smith will be taking up the post at Bridport Arts Centre from former director Curtis Fulcher in September.

Mr Smith has an interesting background with a jazz piano diploma, registration as a psychiatric nurse and a wide business development and management experience.

He has toured around the world as a musician and composer, made international TV appearances and his music has been used on albums and on films.

His experience with local arts venues is demonstrated by his time as director of Quay Arts, Newport, in the Isle of Wight, he has also encouraged engagement with the community through his work with charities in Tower Hamlets, and has spent time mentoring creative businesses, helping them grow and become sustainable.

Mr Smith said: "I am delighted to be taking over as director at Bridport Arts Centre, which already has an excellent reputation as a well-loved and high quality arts charity.

"I look forward to helping grow and enhance this reputation, as well as ensuring that the arts centre has firm financial foundations to build on in order to safeguard future sustainability."

Staff at Bridport Arts Centre are excited to be welcoming Mr Smith to head the team and set a ‘vibrant and inclusive programme’ to take the charity forward.

For more information at Bridport Arts Centre, visit bridport-arts.com