More than 100 people tested their map reading skills in the hunt for five west Dorset pubs when a beloved walking challenge returned on Sunday.

The Five Pubs Challenge welcomed around 130 people taking on the six to seven mile walk around the countryside and raised more than £600 for local villages.

The annual event involves participants walking, horse riding, cycling, or any other way they can think of, to five pubs - the Loders Arms, The Crown in Uploders, Spyway in Askerswell, The Three Horseshoes in Powerstock and The Marquis of Lorne in Nettlecombe - to enjoy a drink and receive a stamp.

They are each given a map and they chose which route to take in order to visit each pub.

They then return to the pub they started at to gain their last stamp and a certificate for completing the challenge.

David Jones, organiser of the Five Pubs’ Challenge, said: “It was a great success and the weather was good until the last hour.

“A total of 130 men, women and children took part and we made a total of £636, which is up on last year.

“This will be divided into three and each third goes to the village hall committees of Askerswell, Powerstock and Loders. They will get £212 each and will decide what to do with it.

“I have been running the challenge for 15 years as I was looking for a way to make money [for the villages] and have a good time while doing it.

“It happens every second Sunday in August.”